QwikCollect™ Software for Windows®(QCS-xxx): Perfect Software to Collect, Display & Archive ScTi  Sensor Data

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+Designed to Work with Every ScTi Sensors (except analog)
+Easy to Install
+Collect data from the sensor at user selected intervals
+Display the data as real time graphs and easy to read alphanumeric
+Calculate statistical data such as max/min & totals
+Archive the data to files for post processing
+Add remarks, change units of measure, customize screen layout
+Multi-tasking lets QwikCollect™ work in the background while the PC runs other programs
+Compatible with Windows tm 3.1, NT, and Windows ® 95!


QwikCollect™ for Windows® makes it easier and faster than ever before to interface ScTi sensors to your PC. Why write your own program or limit yourself to simple data communications type programs? QwikCollect™ is a full-featured program that does the job automatically! Designed by ScTi for ScTi sensors, QwikCollect™ takes the worry out of interfacing your sensor.

Ordering Information
Specify QCS-xxx where "xxx"=
»004 for LOA-004
»104 for LOA-104
»120 for OWI-120
»130 for OWI-130
»220 for OWI-220
»815 for ORG-815-DR (Digital version)
»Other versions available